Overall Objectives
Research Program
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR project SocioPlug

Participants : Davide Frey, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Pierre-Louis Roman, François Taïani.

SocioPlug is a collaborative ANR project involving Inria (ASAP team), the Univ. Nantes, and LIRIS (INSA Lyon and Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon). The project emerges from the observation that the features offered by the Web 2.0 or by social media do not come for free. Rather they bring the implicit cost of privacy. Users are more of less consciously selling personal data for services. SocioPlug aims to provide an alternative for this model by proposing a novel architecture for large-scale, user centric applications. Instead of concentrating information of cloud platforms owned by a few economic players, we envision services made possible by cheap low-end plug computers available in every home or workplace. This will make it possible to provide a high amount of transparency to users, who will be able to decide their own optimal balance between data sharing and privacy.

DeSceNt CominLabs

Participants : Resmi Ariyattu Chandrasekharannair, Davide Frey, Michel Raynal, François Taïani.

The DeSceNt project aims to ease the writing of distributed programs on a federation of plug computers. Plug computers are a new generation of low-cost computers, such as Raspberry pi (25$), VIA- APC (49$), and ZERO Devices Z802 (75$), which offer a cheap and readily available infrastructure to deploy domestic on-line software. Plug computers open the opportunity for everyone to create cheap nano-clusters of domestic servers, host data and services and federate these resources with their friends, colleagues, and families based on social links. More particularly we will seek in this project to develop novel decentralized protocols than can encapsulate the notion of privacy-preserving federation in plug-based infrastructures. The vision is to use these protocols to provide a programming toolkit that can support the convergent data types being developed by our partner GDD (Gestion de Données Distribuées) at Univ. Nantes.

ANR Blanc project Displexity

Participants : George Giakkoupis, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Michel Raynal.

The Displexity project started in Oct 2011. The aim of this ANR project that also involves researchers from Paris and Bordeaux is to establish the scientific foundations for building up a consistent theory of computability and complexity for distributed computing. One difficulty to be faced by DISPLEXITY is to reconcile two non necessarily disjoint sub-communities, one focusing on the impact of temporal issues, while the other focusing on the impact of spatial issues on distributed algorithms.